Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Just Plain Pooped!

I have been tired all day. Don't know why. I was at work yawning all day. I ate within my points range and I went to go exercise and made it past my ball exercises and got a little light headed. Don't know what's up with that, but I immediately stopped. Maybe it was from all of the up and down on the ball combined with me just being tired. Anyway I just stopped. Rested a minute, got on the floor did some leg lifts and left it at that.

I think all the running around yesterday with the doctors and me upping my weights yesterday might have just pooped me out. Whatever it is I get the message so I am taking my behind to bed and getting a goods night rest, because tomorrow is gym and I am soo looking forward to kicking some gym butt.

1 comment:

Emmett said...

I am trying to get the on my blog:
how did you do it?

Great blog, I like how you did it.