Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I need to eat more veggies!

Well went to a nutritionist today per pushing from my cardiologist. I was kinda down because I have been working out and doing my WW and its working. I was thinking here comes the monkey wrench. Boy, was I pleasantly surprised. She encouraged me to stay on WW. I logged on while I was there and we went over my past food logs and she told me I am just not eating enough veggies and dairy. That was it. She didn't even weigh me. Said to stick to what I was doing and we would meet once a month to go over my food logs and I have to show her my WI book from weight watchers. That was it in a nutshell. So I am going to go the grocery store and stock up on veggies. I am really pumped up now. I have all the pieces in place. Also, I already went to the gym today. But I am not stopping there, I will be going for a walk later on after dinner.

Thanks to all that welcomed me to the Weight Loss Challenge and to anyone that is following my blog.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Healthy You Challenge! And I'm glad the meeting with the nutritionist went well - I think we could probably all stand to eat more veggies.

Joania said...

That's awesome. Congrats...good luck with the veggies. Keep it up!!

Jennifer said...

I hope you dont mind if I follow your blog. Good luck with everything