Saturday, March 1, 2008

Final Weigh In!

Okay people (or whomever is reading) I am down another 2.2 pounds. I think I miscalculated on an earlier blog and said I was down 5.8 when I was only down 5.6.

I have only met on goal this month and that is with the weight lost. I lost a total of 8.2 pounds.
Went to my meeting today and had a great time, it was really inspirational. To see people who used to be as big as I am who are now a size 8 or 10 is amazing. You would look at these people and think they never had a weight problem.

My husband has his ups and downs with this. I think he is just scared that somehow I am going to change and be a different person once I reach goal. I have to constantly reassure him, I am and will always be the Stef he fell in love with. He has always been a toucher now he touches me even more and says encouraging things like "when did this curve get here" or "when did this get so smooth" meaning where did the fat role go. So I have a feeling he is liking it more then he lets on.

So here I am welcoming in another month and another set of goals.


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