Friday, June 27, 2008


I am about tired of my health issues. I really am. I went see my cardiologist yesterday and was informed now my protien is real low. I am like what??? I already can't eat red meat or pork and now she is saying I need to lay off the carbs.

I am slowly dwindling down to eating nothing. I will have no choice but to lose weight as I will be existing on nothing but air. I was so depressed yesterday, I came home and went to bed. Just when you think you are doing all the right things, now I have to deal with this.

I wish I could turn back time and go back to when I had nothing wrong with me. I remember I used to brag, b/c I am the only overweight sibling and all the rest of my siblings have high blood pressure. I would long to have just that now.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Stephany, I just added your pledge to my blog, you can do this!
I totally understand what you are saying in this entry. I too needed to cut back on my carbs and add protein. That is why I follow the day off diet, it is slow carb, not low carb :) anyhow, you can find protein in eggs, low carb wraps, whey protein shakes, nuts, chicken, and beans too! I too like to avoid red meat and pork, but there are a lot of other options. You can lose weight and still eat food, do not starve yourself girl, it will only make losing weight harder :) hang in there, you can do this!
Token Fat Girl