Wednesday, February 19, 2014

My first NSV!

Today was measurement day and I was so happy to see that I lost 1.5 inches around my waist and 2inches off my top portion above my belly button where my hernia was. It really made my day. My hubby was the first person I shared it with. I went over my calorie intake for the day, but I planned for it. I ate light the other days and I will eat light for the rest of the week. I am hoping to incorporate some walking next week.

Until Next Time.


Saturday, February 8, 2014

Week 1 7 pounds down

First Weigh In!

Well, today I had my first weigh in since re-committing myself to getting healthy, losing the weight and keeping it off. Drum roll please....I am excited to say I am down 7.1 pounds. Patting myself on the back and also hitting myself upside my head. All it took was for me to fall back into my old eating routine and the pounds came off.  I have such a awesome support system this time around, but I know it is ultimately, up to me to do this. 

Until next time!


Thursday, February 6, 2014

I am doing it!

Today is Thursday and I have stayed on track all week so far.  That is a big accomplishment for me. This time I have many reasons to get this weight off, the most important one is to live. I want to live!

Ciao, Stef!

Sunday, February 2, 2014


I made it.  My first offical day counting calories n watching what I eat and I am going to bed with calories still on the table.  Might not seem like much,  but it's a biggie for me.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Still here...

Well it has been almost a year and I am still here in almost the same place. I am remarried to the love of my life and today I am rededicating myself to losing this weight once and for all.  I have to be honest with myself and stop making excuses. I am definitely going to go back to blogging because it helped before. It seems like everything that helped before I stopped doing. Not this time. I am determined.  Okay setting my first mini goal.  It is February first, my weight loss mini goal is to lose at least 4 pounds this month and I will do it!